physically and mentally strong

How to be physically and mentally strong


In a world of busy people all around us, being physically strong as well as mentally strong is a challenge. As technology advances and scientific discoveries ease our lives we lose our wellbeing. Holistic well-being is necessary for everyone and therefore we see the awareness floating on the internet.

In today’s blog, we are going to explore the right approach to holistic well-being, how we can be physically and mentally strong and the steps of personal development. These all are correlated, personal development is the first step towards holistic well-being and strengthening physical and mental health.

Mental health;

To be mentally strong, first, we need to understand what exactly is mental health. Mental health is well-being emotionally, psychologically, and socially. Since it is not easily observable from the outside, unlike physical health. Most people are suffering from it and the strange part is they are hiding it from themselves too.

Poor mental health is a concern for 90℅ people. It is chaos, which allows you to see the broad view of life. When you develop yourself so much from the outside then mental health breaks down and you completely lose yourself. But wait, it breaks you to raise you once again with your real identity. You may wonder why people are suffering so much from high stress, depression, and anxiety in today’s time. The only answer is, because of thousands of influences around them they suffer. How do you feel when you have everything except yourself? You feel empty, meaningless, and worthless. When this feeling reaches its peak then you will be broken down.

In mental health suffering people get isolated and their suffering is more painful and dangerous than dying. They suffer alone, because you can’t share the pain. But believe me, just after this phase, a new journey will start with a new man, a real man. Encountering the reality of life and watching death around you in your mental suffering will help you to find yourself and once you get yourself then transformation occurs.

In your phase of mental suffering, you have to be forbearance and kind to yourself. It is just a phase that will be passed on soon and remember you can’t run away from it. Some people try to run away and suppress it but as a result, their breakdown becomes worse.

If your concern is worse then you should immediately look for professionals. But in the end, you are only responsible for healing your mental health. Outside people can only support you to be yourself, to accept, to go through but they can’t heal you. You should work on yourself, take steps toward personal development and transform your life with courage and patience.

Physical health;

At the body level being healthy is physical health. As evolution occurs humans lose their physical ability and advance their intellect. But this advancement in technology and science gives us many things but takes our nutritional values.

Lack of nutrients is the root cause of thousands of physical incapability. Packed food and a bad lifestyle damage our health. In developed countries, the government is worried about the health of their citizens because people are prone to gain dangerous fat that causes most of the disease.

You should be aware of your physical health because you have to live a healthy life and always remind yourself that you are only responsible for your life, no one else. Take some steps to improve your physical health as mentioned below;

  • Do manage your healthy lifestyle, which includes nature exposure and fewer chemicals.
  • Make a routine for daily exercise so that you can burn your extra calories.
  • You should look for a complete diet plan. Most of the food that we eat is not enough for our bodies so we have to search to get a complete diet and if necessary then take supplements too.
  • Regular checkups to manage your physical health. If you gain so much weight then you have to immediately work on your body because health is a priority.

What is holistic well-being;

Holistic well-being refers to a life that is blessed with complete health. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being are included in the holistic approach to wellness. It emphasises life in a broad view which has the harmony between body, mind and soul. 

Therapy and most of the medications that are popular in Western countries are at a superficial level. Because they treat the symptoms only, but being unhealthy means a disturbance in the whole system. We say when harmony between body, mind and soul get affected then you become unhealthy. Holistic wellness promotes the understanding of this harmony.

When your body gets injured your whole system shows the result. You become weak, sad, unexcited, tired, and isolated; these all happen when your body gets affected. Similarly, when your mind is affected, if you suffer from depression or anxiety. You can observe the results in your physical health. Many psychologists believe that depressed people often gain weight and lose weight abnormally.

How to improve your mental and physical health|| holistic wellbeing;

If you are convinced that you should work for your holistic well-being or take steps to improve your mental and physical health then consider the following points.

Meditation and Mindfulness practice;

Meditation is a revolutionary step in personal development and holistic well-being. It is a technique to isolate yourself and to dive into the silence of essence. We live our lives from the inside but outside influence disturbs our harmony with our soul that’s why suffering starts. Meditation is a simple technique to establish the harmony between mind and soul.

It is highly impactful if you practise meditation for a month in the right way. I guarantee you, that you will feel a strength inside yourself. You will find your real self, your real identity, that enriches you spiritually. You should start with a simple meditation method and try to invest some hours silently with yourself. It will help you for sure in your personal growth and holistic health.

Mindfulness means maintaining awareness of every moment of thought, feeling, sensation and realisation. It is like observing yourself from making a space. You do not have to be judgmental while observing, just you have to watch yourself as it is. This practice will reach you to self-realisation and after that your intelligence will shine and your real personality will bloom

Reading and exploration;

Reading is a way to relate yourself to others’ experiences. One life is very short for experiencing many things, so reading can be a way to find yourself in others’ experiences. Reading is also helpful for gathering information but beyond that, it can be adventurous to live a free life by relating with the writer’s experiences.

Choose your favourite genre, it may be fiction, non-fiction, science, philosophy, etc and start your reading adventure. I am glad to suggest some of my favourite books that you should consider for once.

  1. Sex to Superconsciousness by Osho: If You Are Rational and want to explore a different view on desire and sex then you should look for this masterpiece. It will shake your mind and you get the point of how life energy(sexual energy) can channelise into personal development and spiritual awakening.
  1. The Prophet by Franz Kafka; If You Love literature then this man will be your favourite after finishing this classical book “ The prophet “
  1. Bhagwat Geeta; is one of the most important books that you should read at least once. Shri Krishna mentored Arjuna during the war of Mahabharata. Life is a war, and we need Krishna to motivate us and give us clarity.

Creative activities;

Life energy should be transformed into creative activities. Do search for your creativity and indulge yourself in creating a form of art that reflects your unique identity. Music, dance, writing, painting, or something new can be your genre. Go and experiment, because life is experiments and experience only.

Creative activities shine your individuality and it has fewer influences by others, it can be a type of meditation. Invest your time to get your uniqueness and continue it. Creativity is highly blessed when it becomes the connection between the person and existence. It enriches you with values, satisfaction and joy. Look deep into the eyes of an artist, you will find a feeling of completeness, satisfaction, and a sea of joy.

Exercise and yoga practice;

To be mentally and physically strong you have to do daily exercise and some yoga-like Surya namaskar and some pranayama. Your body is the functioning of biochemistry and exercise supports your biochemistry.

Maintain a good sleep pattern, eat healthy food, invest some time in your favourite sports and drink water. Your health should be your priority because money can’t buy health. People are busy earning a lot of money but they have lost their health.

Observe and journal;

Observing and journaling are the potential ways to speed up personal development and holistic well-being. You should observe the changes that occur inside you and journal them so that you can compare your future self to your old self and it will motivate you to move forward.


Life is a journey of experiment and experience. Health is not a one-time achievement, it is a process of maintaining it. Holistic well-being is complete health due to proper unity between body, mind and soul. You should be courageous enough to take steps towards personal development because it is the only way for your overall health. Mental health suffering is now obvious and can be healed by you only. Personal development can support you in transforming your whole personality.

We had discussed the cause of most mental suffering and had given some steps to improve it. Follow the detailed methods to attain holistic wellness. We praise your good health because health is our priority.

Frequently asked questions ;

  1. How to improve mental health naturally?

Embrace meditation and mindfulness practices, engage in creative activities, read for personal growth, and observe and journal your thoughts and feelings. These steps contribute to holistic well-being and mental strength.

  1. Effective ways to enhance physical health?

Adopt a healthy lifestyle with nature exposure, regular exercise, and a complete diet plan. Prioritize your physical health through routine checkups, avoiding packed foods, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

  1. What is holistic well-being and how to achieve it?

Holistic well-being involves harmony between physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Achieve it by practising meditation, mindfulness, creative activities, regular exercise, and maintaining a balance between body, mind, and soul.

  1. How to deal with mental suffering and depression?

Acknowledge mental suffering as a phase, and be patient and kind to yourself. Seek professional help if necessary. Work on personal development through meditation, mindfulness, reading, and creative activities to transform and heal.

  1. Tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

Manage a healthy lifestyle with natural exposure, regular exercise, a complete diet plan, and consistent sleep patterns. Prioritise health over everything else, avoiding excessive stress and adopting habits that support well-being.

  1. What are the benefits of meditation and mindfulness?

 Meditation fosters harmony between mind and soul, promoting personal development and spiritual growth. Mindfulness helps maintain awareness, leading to self-realisation, increased intelligence, and the blossoming of one’s true personality.

  1. Recommended books for personal development and well-being?

Explore “Sex to Superconsciousness” by Osho for a unique perspective on desire and sex, “The Prophet” by Franz Kafka for literary enthusiasts, and “Bhagwat Geeta” for guidance in life’s challenges. Reading can be a transformative adventure for personal growth.

  1. How to find and maintain motivation for personal development?

Cultivate motivation by incorporating meditation, and mindfulness, engaging in creative activities, and setting achievable goals. Regularly observe and journal your progress to stay motivated on your personal development journey.

  1. Effective ways to manage stress and anxiety naturally?

Fighting stress and anxiety through meditation, mindfulness practices, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Consider seeking professional help if needed, but prioritise holistic well-being for long-term relief.

  1. What are the benefits of creative activities for mental health?

Creative activities, such as music, dance, writing, or painting, serve as a form of meditation, providing a unique outlet for self-expression. Engaging in creativity enriches individuals with values, satisfaction, and joy, contributing to mental well-being.

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