Personal development

Personal development

Personal development is a vast term that is prominent in this new society. People are being rewarded for their personal growth. It mainly refers to inner growth, in which a person nurtures their personality with conscious effort.

As we know, humanity is evolving and in this process, there is war, a war between the individual with the exterior world, due to the burden of information, growing technology, and busy lifestyle. Everyone has to suffer from this war. Personal development is all about strengthening you so that you don’t give up on this war.

What exactly is personal development?

Personal development is a conscious effort to facilitate the personality to fulfil a desired goal in life and improve overall well-being in life.

Every person is unique and therefore they can have their own definition of personal development. For some people, personal development remains in a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. But some other people take it to spiritual awareness and mental well-being.

How does personal development happen in real life?

In real life, personal development happens by self-realisation. If we see personal development in a broader view. We find that it happens only after self-realisation, for the overall development of the personality, their inner development is the most important aspect.

The growth of an individual is the inner development, in easy words self-realisation is the realisation of individuality. Every person is unique and according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the uppermost possibility in his hierarchy of personal development was self-actualization. Self-actualization is nothing other than self-realisation, it makes the person unique and this is the highest goal of personal development.

But if I put my opinions regarding this, I will say, there is no real personal development without self-realisation.

Self-realisation is the first step of overall personal development. To be well-being socially, physically, emotionally, and mentally the individual should be aware of their individualism. Individuality is the very personal and unique mystery of every individual and self-realisation is the path to knowing about it.

How to achieve personal development?

Personal development is an ongoing process. Regular effort and good intentions towards this is needed.

There are many ways to achieve different levels of personal development. If you want to achieve good physical health and this is the definition of your personal development then, exercise, dieting, and a disciplined lifestyle are needed.

But here I am going to explore personal development in a broader view. To achieve overall well-being an individual has to go with the first step of personal development which is self-discovery

Self-discovery is the journey to achieve real individuality. All of the identities around us are fake and given by society, culture, religion, ideologies, politicians, etc. Questioning this identity is the first step toward self-discovery and at the end of this journey, real individuality came up. That individuality is fearless from everything and this is only the evidence of their reality.

Now, a man came up with a fearless and rebellious attitude. This man knows himself and he is now able to listen to the inner voice. He can make decisions without any social influence. The outer judgment is no more a concern for this man because now he has reached the real judiciary.

This is the real personal development which is started by self-discovery. Meditation is a way of self-discovery.

Meditation for personal development 

Meditation is a way to connect with eternity for a second and in that second something big happens.

Personal development is the nurturing of the personality of an individual. Many psychologists believe that every individual has their possibilities. Every individual came here with the inbuilt goal of personality.

So, meditation is the way to achieve that goal which is the highest possibility of a personality.

In other words, meditation is a way to connect with yourself. The real you, who has the greatest possibility. You are a social puppet here, and when you connect with the real you, you become rebellious and from then, your real journey starts. This journey has a vast possibility and if we believe in the words of some great philosophers and psychologists, they said “Your highest possibility is hidden in your real individuality”

Is personal development important?

If you look at the people around you, you will find stressed, afraid, worried faces all over. Most of the people are suffering from mental and emotional trauma, physically unhealthy and bad lifestyles. This is because of insensitivity towards personal development. 

Personal development is a very important aspect of a fulfilled life. To be joyful, to be sensitive, to be happy, to be blessed you have to work on your personal development. Otherwise, you will be dead like everyone in the crowd.

Personal development is important not only for self-improvement but also encompasses your intellect, it makes you aware so that no one can exploit you in any way. People are exploited by throwing an identity towards them. People are continuously exploited because of religious identity, and social identity.

Overall personal development is important and everyone should participate in evolving themselves with the evolving humanity.

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